Kinship Return & Indigenous Design Labs
Join us in a wild and alive place for a Kinship Return in 2024.
Guardians of Indigenous Commons host virtual and in person gatherings to bring medicine and practices of consequence to the world.
We are all indigenous. We are all colonized. We all have a cellular memory of reciprocity with all life.
But many of us have lost touch with that connection and profound creativity and intelligence that is available to us.
We may feel sick, numb empty or disconnected as navigate systems that drive us toward collapse. The way to navigate times of great change exists in all of our indigenous wisdom.
Join us in Uganda for Nalubaale, Mother of Guardian Gods
Seek your place.
Return to a deep knowing of connection.
Tending a Sacred Fire
Māori Guardian Jason Jacobs explains we “tend a sacred fire that offers sustenance for the whole community.”
Kinship Return is your fuel for the fire. We have built reciprocity in to ensure we can all show up with our fullest selves - going beyond money bodies- to dream big into the future.
We convene in wild places with the traditional land stewards to ask questions that drive to the heart of the problem, such as:
What does it mean to be human and who do we aspire to become as humanity?
What can we learn from nature and ancestral wisdom traditions to design systems of collaboration in symbiosis with all life?
How can we integrate technologies of the ancestral and modern worlds?
How do we transform money into a nurturing stream of water to regenerative systems of life?
Kinship allies are treated to a unique experience of inner and outer exploration, somatic knowing and curiosity.
Together we journey to an embodied state of trust and generosity. We sense and touch the collective of life. Given the times we are in, we learn the medicine of curiosity and embrace uncertainty to liberate us from the death way.
We gather through solo investigation, one-on-one conversations, and a larger community to imagine and enact new ways of moving financial resources to projects outside the typical philanthropic and investment space.
A symbiosis between ancestral and modern technology.
Finance innovators and generosity stewards are joining forces for new models of collaboration and design. Discover Kinship Currency.